Why This ChurchWe are a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people
Why this church?
Because we all need hope and encouragement. We all need a new start and a better way. And we find all that in Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God. He is who we need. And the church are His people, who all need these same things, who all need Him. And we need one another, we can’t do it alone. This church is a place where you can come as you are and be built up, not beat up; a safe place where you can belong, heal, learn, grow, and give the Lord the worship He deserves. Please come join us and be a part of this church. We are people who love the Lord, but must importantly we know that we must realize that He first loved us. And that’s why we can all find a place here.
Paul FletcherMore
From The Gallery
Deanna and Wanza
My 93 year old Mother and I have been able to worship at home with the Poteau church. every Sunday since COVID has restricted our lives..THANK YOU for providing a way for us to keep in touch…
Paul Fletcher
That right there is enough encouragement for us to keep doing it thank you so much for sharing that! Blessings in Christ to you all always.
Crystal Peterson
I visited by wonderful best friend Taryn for her birthday just this past week – I hadn’t been to church in *years*. Hearing so many wonderful things, I looked forward to accompanying her family to Sunday service and I was not disappointed. I felt the warmth and love that day, along with it’s community. I have been given a chance to see what church should feel like and I look forward to my next visit to Arkansas.
Paul Fletcher
Crystal that is so encouraging to hear and we look forward to you coming back as soon as possible you are always welcome here!
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