Fellowship Meal!!
July 17th we will have an all church fellowship meal! The meal will be provided, but there is a sign up for desserts, servers, & cleanup crew. Please join us immediately following service!
Praise the Lord, Steve Breedlove has accepted the pulpit ministry position here at Poteau Church of Christ and will be joining us very soon, during the month of July as he and his wife Cathy find a place to live in the Poteau area. Lets rejoice over Gods goodness to us, and help Steve and…
7th grade - 12th grade! Join us for our Back to school pool party on August 14th from 1-4PM.
Pool Partay!
Steve Breedlove is coming back to preach again on Sunday, June 26th. Lets make him welcome, as the elders are interested in looking at him for our open pulpit minister position. (We have met with him once, and it was very positive) and we need input from all of the congregation, pray on this and…
Steve Breedlove
Steve Breedlove is coming back to preach again on Sunday, June 26th. Lets make him welcome, as the elders are interested in looking at him for our open pulpit minister position. (We have met with him once, and it was very positive) and we need input from all of the congregation,…
has been rescheduled! Join us August 13th from 10-2 for our mini VBS! Ages 4 years to 6th grade are invited for lots of water play, lunch, & a Bible Investigative Experience!
Steve Breedlove will be here Sunday June 12, 2022 to preach and tryout for our open pulpit minister position. Please come hear him preach and let the elders know your thoughts!
Crawfish Boil June 12
Crawfish boil immediately after service on June 12,2022. Everyone come and bring your appetite!
Did you know that we have a food pantry available once a month?! Every third Wednesday, from 10-2, we offer help to the community. If you or someone you know is in need, please contact Viola or the office.
Fellowship Meal!!
July 17th we will have an all church fellowship meal! The meal will be provided, but there is a sign up for desserts, servers, & cleanup crew. Please join us immediately following service!